Gaudier-Brzeska, un lycée des métiers pour apprendre à vivre en apprenant à bâtir*…
Le lycée accueille, dans un cadre exceptionnel, près de 850 élèves et apprentis dont 200 internes et dispense des formations liées aux métiers du bâtiment et des travaux publics (DNB, CAP, Baccalauréats professionnels ou technologiques, BTS et licences professionnelles).
*Apprendre à bâtir, c’est rechercher les valeurs humaines, le geste efficace, la curiosité esthétique, le sens du travail en équipe. Apprendre à bâtir, c’est apprendre à construire, apprendre à se construire… individuellement et collectivement.

Gaudier Brzeska High School has been involved in European Projects for a long time. European mobilities, internships abroad, job shadowing and eTwinning are part of our school policy. We have had partnerships with schools and companies in Bulgaria, Latvia and Spain.Extending over 25 acres our school is above all a technical college preparing students and apprentices to many different diplomas ranging from secondary to post-secondary education :
Land surveying, quantity surveying , assistant architectIntervention on ancient and historic buildings, public and civil works, building services ( HVAC, plumbing and home automation ), roofing, painting and decorating, wood work ( wood frame construction, carpentry, joinery), stone cutting.
We also provide a Bachelor’s degree in cartography with Orléans University (one year). About 850 pupils and apprentices attend classes in Gaudier-Brzeska with about 110 teachers. We have a boarding school for 200 pupils. In Gaudier-Brzeska everything is done to promote success at school and at work.
For further information please contact us at : for post-secondary education or for secondary education.